What a mouthful, eh?

The Veritable Feline Effort to Save the Fireman was made in Unity for the Game Maker's Tookit 2023 Jam. The theme was "Reversed Roles", so instead of having firemen saving cats from trees, we have cats saving firemen from trees. The gameplay is quite simple: You have a platform, you put cats in there, then you put cats on top of those other cats, until you make a pile big enough to reach the fireman. If it collapses, you lose.

The gameplay was relatively simple to implement. It makes heavy use of Unity's default physics engine, with just some slight alterations for the sticky and gravity cats. The upside is that it gave us plenty of time to get silly, and I assure you, dear reader, get silly we did.

We made a cutscene in powerpoint, and set it to play at the start of the game. We made several cat pun based levels, and transitions to go with them. We had fun. The game was very well received, so it seems that fun translated well to players.

I also drew by hand a most fantastic font to use for the game, though regretably it is unlikely to land me a graphic design job any time soon.

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