Our Will is a narrative adventure with turn-based combat, about a young girl tasked with leading a small company of warriors, into an unknown and mystical land, in search of a cure to save their village. It is being developed in the Unity engine.

As lead programmer, I designed most of the backend of the game, namely the system that allows characters to have abilities with different effects, the outer gameplay loops of what happens outside of combat and how combat is integrated with other elements of the game, and the system for displaying the consequences of actions. The maintainimg of game state was also within my responsabilities.

Our Will's combat system at its core uses a state machine, to keep track of at what point of combat we are, and whose turn it is. Then it uses a system of Scriptable Objects to define actions, and a lot of polimorphism and events to allow them full functionality. Another event system is built on top of this, that stores a queue of events that are triggered during the execution of the combat logic (which is instant), that are later called by the UI to display everything in its own time. These events are composites that allow for both parallelism and sequencing of the displaying.

The UI was also made mostly by me, and what it does is read the events the combat system raises, to display them happening, and then make use of user interaction to send commands back to the combat system.

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